How to hire a good employee for your small business
Dec 8th, 2021

How to hire a good employee for your small business

Hiring is a very important aspect for any business whether big or small. Small businesses however need to be extremely cautious when hiring. This is because employees can either break or build the company. For small businesses which operate with a total of 5-20 employees, one employee’s failure can derail the company several steps behind. They can cost the organization a great opportunity that would otherwise have been the stepping stone. Opportunity costs are something small businesses cannot afford. It is enough that they are struggling to get into the market and ascertain their position as a transformation leader in their respective industries.

So how do you hire a good employee for your small business? It requires a combination of skills and strategies.

How to hire good employees for your small business

Be creative with your perks

As a small business, you might not be able to offer expensive perks like established companies. However, inject some creativity into your perks. You can talk to amenities around your business so they can offer your employees discounts. You could get your employees coupons to use local facilities such as the gym, library, co-working spaces and spa. The employees will appreciate saving a few coins for these services.

Champion for Work-life balance

High worth employees value the quality of life they will have at your company. Ensure you promote great work-life balance for all your employees. This will provide a healthy work environment for the employees. Proportionally, it will increase their productivity and the loyalty to their jobs.

Provide Opportunities for advancement

Employees love when a position offers them a chance to advance themselves career wise. Work your way around offering employees an opportunity to develop new skills. You can also promise to groom them for a better position, by trusting them with more responsibilities. Offer career mentorship to your employees. Lay all possible future prospects on the table during recruitment.  

Create an employee incentive program.

Have a program for rewarding top performing employees. This program will motivate your employees to work extra hard. It will also give potential employees something to look forward to if they choose to come work for your company. This can bait the employees you wish to hire.

Create an affiliate program for your employees

Find ways to help your employees take part in the business's profit - and feel like a valuable part of the team. You can do this by creating an affiliate program for them. So when they refer someone to purchase a product or service from the organization, they get a small compensation. Employees also are a great resource for finding good potential employees. You can also give them incentives when they refer a good fit for a position in the company.

Work/Advertise with recruiting companies

Recruiting companies can reduce the stress and pressure surrounding hiring and recruiting. They are also great for putting your organization out there for more people to discover the company. Recruiting companies always have a lot of traffic from job seekers on a daily.

Plan out your future hiring

Planning is an important part of being able to hire the right talent for your business. It gives you enough time to put together a detailed and well-thought-out job description. Instead of choosing a template description, you can get insight from your team about what they really need from future employees. You can also actively prepare your hiring practices if current employees feel comfortable giving you advanced notice of their termination.

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